I Work.
I specialize in all things digital. My favorite projects are those that are part art, part science.
From idea to reality.
Equal parts ringleader and human superglue, I combine traditional project management skills with a hands-on understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape. Need an innovative problem solver? A team-builder? A customer-focused leader to drive your project to completion? Look no further.
Content is queen.
Telling compelling stories that inform, attract and engage the right audiences at the right time is essential in the digital age. But words alone won't seal the deal. I offer strategic insight on how, when and why content should be used to build brand recognition and enhance consumer experiences.
I Write.
stories are my way of understanding the world. of sharing my ideas. of searching for answers.
What I learned from kickball
Playground lessons provide my guiding philosophy on how to take work seriously without taking myself too seriously.
The art of failing forward
Winners recognize that a loss might actually be a win-in-waiting.
Essays from a black expat perspective
A series of essays answer the often-asked question: "What's it like for a black American living and working in Spain?"
Why cooking is important to preserving identity
Preserving food-related stories, and bits of culinary background info is essential to preserving a culture.
One approach to project management
The project manager is the role that, quite literally, holds it all together.
"Kisha is a very well organized, professional, friendly individual who has excellent communication skills."
Asha Hill
Chairman of Mathematics, Natural Science and Related Studies at The Art Institutes
"Her work ethic is... defined by the ability to apply (and where necessary gain) knowledge to create solutions that not only meet immediate needs, but "fixes" that elevate how others will encounter technologies in the long-term. With Kisha, there is no drama, no bureacracy and, most important, there are no communications barriers."
Donna Lynne Brock
Associate Vice President - Strategic Communications & University Relations at Clark Atlanta Universitycollaborative
"Kisha... works well with everyone -- even the most difficult customers. She has a confidence and self-assurance that draws people to her and allows her to work well independently and in teams. She is the kind of person who likes to get things done and done well."
Sara Haynes
Associate Director, Health Center Programming at WebMD
"Kisha has demonstrated the ability to communicate at all levels of an organization and possesses the skill needed to organize and lead teams successfully. She is an excellent project manager."
Ken Buettner
Vice President of Information Technology, Genuine Parts Company
© 2016